Either at work or home, you’re probably familiar with receiving a deluge of unremarkable, plain envelopes in your daily postal delivery that give little away about the contents, leading you often to disregard the mail until a more suitable time. A plain brown envelope can present itself as somewhat formal in nature, perhaps an offer of a loan from your bank or a request for payment from the tax office, so there may be little urgency or desire to tear it open to investigate the contents.
Imagine, therefore, if the standard plain envelopes your business distributes to your customers are received with the same level of suspicion or disinterest, being erroneously disregarded as unwanted junk mail and tossed aside. This is almost certainly a situation you wish to avoid.
Stand out with custom designed and printed envelopes
For any business, well-designed custom printed envelopes are one of the most effective marketing tools for publicising their presence to a mass market. By creating instantly recognisable or memorable envelopes for your business that convey your brand and mission statement, our printed envelopes are a powerful tool for raising awareness of your company and maximising the recipients’ interest in your marketing literature. With custom designed envelopes that are unique to your business featuring your company logo, marketing strapline, return address and phone number, you can be confident your direct mailer print will be instantly noticed amid a pile of mail, setting your business aside from your competitors.
Customised printed envelopes reinforce the persuasive power of direct marketing, so you can target your potential customers while conveying a more professional image that will ensure your brand is regarded as sincere and honest. By promoting your business from the outset, before the customer even opens the envelope, you are effectively implanting your brand in their mind and raising their interest in your service or products. Matched with a well-designed and printed leaflet or flyer, a custom printed envelope is a powerful part of your marketing strategy.
Equally, however, designed and printed envelopes are suited for a variety of mailings including invoices, invitations and brochures.
Checkout one of our previous blog posts to help you design your envelopes: How Recipients Behave With Your Printed Direct Mail
So, to find out how custom printed envelopes could benefit your business, get in touch with PrintUK.com today.